Integral Formation Program


In pursuing Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education (Q-TIME), UIC, as a Catholic university, has a unique responsibility to nurture its students’ minds, spirits, and characters. We are committed to providing a holistic and transformative educational experience rooted in the principles of effective integral formation. This framework serves as our guiding light, enriching our students’ lives’ intellectual, spiritual, and apostolic dimensions and preparing them for a future of purpose and service.

We invite our students, faculty, and staff to embark on this transformative journey with us, where intellectual growth, spiritual enrichment, and apostolic action converge to shape individuals who are academically capable, compassionate, socially responsible, and spiritually grounded. We strive to form our students into Ignacian Marian leaders who are responsible global citizens imbued with profound faith in God, inspired by the spirituality of humble service, and committed to a continuous search for excellence.

Intellectual Formation – Developing intellectual skills and love for learning and truth

  • The curriculum extensively aligns with the UIC Vision, Mission, Goal, Quality Policy, and Quality Objectives.
  • Faithful implementation of the Transformative RVM Ignacian Pedagogy (TRIP) for Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education (Q-Time) [TRIP for Q-TIME]
  • Instill a love for learning and curiosity, emphasizing that education is a lifelong journey.
  • Instruction is supported by information and communication technology to teach students to evaluate and engage with information and media critically.

Spiritual and Character Formation – Fostering a deep and genuine love for Jesus Christ, Mary, Mother
Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, the Church, the Pope, and the salvation of souls

  • Provide students an integral education on the Christian faith’s doctrine, moral, and worship dimensions towards the fullness of life in Christ through Christian Living/Religious Education programs.
  • Nurture a faith community through spiritual formation towards conversion and maturity in Christ and integrate pastoral formation for the members to participate in building the Kingdom of God within and outside the campus.
  • Implement the Ignacian Formation Program (IFP) to provide a more solid foundation of the spirituality of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, which is a “spirituality of Marian radical openness to the will of God that impels us to a humble and courageous, generous and creative service to the Church, especially the poor.”
  • Strengthen Family and Life program offers avenues for protecting and preserving the dignity and sanctity of life at all stages and the integrity of marriage and family.
  • Offer leadership development programs that empower students to take on leadership roles in school and the community.
  • Incorporate emotional intelligence programs to help students understand and manage their emotions.
  • Promote an inclusive environment where students respect and appreciate cultural, religious, and socio-economic diversity.
  • Provide access to counseling services and mental health resources to support students’ emotional well-being.
  • Implement character education in extra-curricular programs focusing on the Ignacian core values of faith, excellence, and service.

Apostolic Formation – Forming within each student a compassionate heart so that they will
reach out in service as an apostle of Christ in the world.

  • The Community Involvement Program provides opportunities and experiences towards greater involvement of the students and personnel in helping the underprivileged sectors in society build sustainable communities where they live their lives with dignity, following the JEEPGY framework integrating the Laudato Si Goals, Global Compact on Education, and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Participation in service-learning projects to develop empathy and a sense of responsibility toward their community.
  • Establish partnerships with local organizations and charities to provide students with opportunities for meaningful community engagement.

Professional Development: Teachers and Support Service Personnel

  • Provide ongoing training for teachers and support service personnel to ensure they can effectively implement the integral formation framework.

Evaluation/Feedback for Continuous Improvement

  • Implement ongoing assessment/evaluation/utilization that focuses on holistic development.

RVM Ignacian Pedagogy
RVM Christian Formation Manual
PCSS [Learners’ Development and Learning Environment]